What it is

A secure and fast platform for your payments

Scrigno Pago Facile is a service offered by Banca Popolare di Sondrio that lets you simply, quickly and securely pay utility bills, fees, taxes and amounts due to third parties (public and private organisations, businesses, etc.) that adhere to the initiative.

You can make "Spot" payments by entering the beneficiary's name, amount and payment description or complete forms such as M.Av. or Capital Revenue Bills.

Two access modes

The application includes two distinct access modes:

  • registered user for free service use;
  • anonymous user for simple payments.

Registered User

The fast and easy way to make more than one payment.

  • payments (forms or spot)
  • list of due dates and reminders
  • payment list
  • auto-fill payment fields

Anonymous user

The most efficient and fastest way for occasional users who do not believe they will use the service in the future.

  • payments (forms or spot)